Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the ISL REC CENTRAL FALL 2024 tournament for the age group.
Boys MS Small Sided 10 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 427-8 Boone Soccer Club
GC 15U Boys Small Sided
0427-01RB10-0008   Troy Binkley
 417-2 Earlham Soccer Club
Earlham C14U
0417-01RB11-0002   Mike Schoger
 406-3 Gilbert Soccer Club
Gilbert Soccer Club - Boys Small Sided
0406-01RB09-0003   Bart Clark
 432-7 Knoxville Soccer Club
Knoxville Socc - B2011
0432-01RB11-0007   n/a
 409-15 Newton Area Soccer Association
0409-01RB11-0015   Matthew Miller
 IO03-8 ISA Independents
PCM Crimson
IO03-01RB10-0008   Robert Breckenridge
 IO03-3 ISA Independents
PCM Gold
IO03-01RB10-0003   Robert Breckenridge
 413-11 Van Meter Youth Soccer Club
Van Meter U14 Boys SS
0413-01RB11-0011   Ryan Nixon
 413-10 Van Meter Youth Soccer Club
Van Meter U15 Boys SS
0413-01RB10-0010   n/a
 409-17 Newton Area Soccer Association
0409-01RB10-0017   Brett Lundberg